It has been way too long since I have shared some of my musings with you. There is so much happening in our world, in our communities, and I have been so thankful to have my art to keep me feeling positive. It is almost like therapy. I can get lost for hours while I create. I feel SO VERY fortunate to have this. Like, truly. But I still work my butt off :)
Recently, I have been working on pieces for my series titled "Up Close and Personal". My heart and soul have been poured into these pieces. Our powder room is decorated with photos by photographer Shelley Jones. They are images close-up to flowers, some showing the interior of the bloom. They have always made me feel good. Flowers make me feel good. When I was mulling a collection in my mind, images similar to Shelley's came to mind. I have also enjoyed painting with a limited palette - using a small number of different pigments in a piece. This easily goes hand in hand with the up-close look. So, the vision continued. I tracked down a few images that spoke to me. And then I dug in. I LOVED painting these pieces. They are so much a reflection of me, and my soul. They are so personal to me. So, the names (I have shared in a previous blog post how my pieces are named) were super powerful. I don't think I have had any speak to me in such a loud manner. The paintings were so significant to me that first AND middle names were necessary. Their names are of women who are very significant to my life.
The collection is going to be part of an art show! What???!! How fricking cool is that? *pinches self. I am going to be honest though… it’s also kind of scary. My art will be displayed beside some really great artists. Makes me feel super vulnerable. Especially with this collection, as I have put so much of me in it. I have worked my butt off for this… This is what it’s about though, right? We work so hard and then put ourselves out there. To have our work be part of our world, whatever that may look like for you. It could be a project for work that you really want to impress your boss with. Or a DIY in your home that you can’t wait for your friends and family to see. For me, it’s the art. Always the art.
What about you? What do you put your heart behind? And maybe feel vulnerable about? I really would love to hear from you!