To Be Grateful

Here we are again at that season of thankfulness and giving…my favorite!! Of course, if you know me, that is no surprise to you. If you are new here, welcome! And, I tend to be a person who lives in gratefulness, I actually bask in it a bit (see blog post titled Here She Comes, 10/15/20 to see the background to my 24/7 gratefulness). But…. this time of year, the world tends to jump in and enjoy to endorphins of the vibes of the season. I know that the last year + a year has been so difficult for too...

It has been way too long since I have shared some of my musings with you. There is so much happening in our world, in our communities, and I have been so thankful to have my art to keep me feeling positive. It is almost like therapy. I can get lost for hours while I create. I feel SO VERY fortunate to have this. Like, truly. But I still work my butt off :) Recently, I have been working on pieces for my series titled "Up Close and Personal". My heart and soul have been poured into these pieces. Our...
‘tis the season….

As I have shifted from the month of gratefulness to the month of giving, I have been thinking about how intertwined they are. Really, doesn’t our gratefulness prime us for our desire to give? It had never occurred to me before how symbiotic these two can be. Many of us spend the month of November thinking about, commenting on, journaling about it. How we are so grateful for our loved ones, our homes, our full bellies, our caffeine fix, the list goes on. We leave November and head into December feeling so good, so positive. This leads us into...

In our digital age, have we lost our penmanship? I don’t mean only the legibility of our handwriting. I also mean the actual act of using our handwriting. We have moved to an era where it is not as common to receive or send an actual handwritten note. This is a bit sad; don’t you think? Are they even teaching cursive writing in school these days? I know my youngest (adult) child certainly never mastered this. Think of what a loss this is. I have often wondered about the generation of our children having less communication skills because of the...
Lessons in Patience...from Watercolor

Those that know me will know I am not exactly KNOWN for my abundance of patience. I have gotten better with age, experience, and WATERCOLOR! This beautiful medium is a lesson in patience. The qualities of watercolor that make it so beautiful – the softness of colors, the transparency of colors, the blending… all of these elements take patience. The joy of watching the pigments blend and dance in the water can sometimes evolve into a less than desirable result. To get the outcome you are looking for, many times one needs to step away, allow layers to dry. Come...